Letter Hunt Relay


Break students into teams of four players (max). Each team is given a whiteboard marker (make sure it’s erasable). Each team lines up in front of the blackboard where their letter poster is hung up (one per team).

The HRT/ALT calls out a particular letter. The first student runs up to the board and circles one of the called letters. They then return to their team and pass on the marker. The next student then runs up and does the same. Repeat until all four letters have been found and circled. When a team is finished, they sit down/put their hands on heads etc. Points can then be awarded for 1st, 2nd and so on.

Clean the posters and repeat for round 2 with a new letter.


  • There are three different versions; upper case, lower case and mixed letters.
  • You can hold up a flashcard of the chosen letter if students need extra help.
  • If your class is too big, they can sit in circles and pass the poster around instead. I’ve only played this game with small classes.
Posted byEthan on May 31, 2023

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